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Implementing iCatcher

Learn how to implement an iCatcher system, from single camera residential to multi-camera - multi-site.

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i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

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Object Counting with the iCatcher Clump Engine

The iCatcher product range features ICE motion detection. This new detection method gives you much more information about what is happening in the image, and allows us to add advanced analytical functionality to our software. This ICE functionality is performed by the software and not in the camera, enabling you to utilise your existing cameras and maximise your investment.

When using ICE detection the software knows how many objects are in the image, which direction they came from, which direction they are currently travelling and so on. This enables us to embed some advanced functionality in the standard product.

Object Counting

In this live example we are using an iCatcher system to count cars traveling along a busy road. Left, right, and total counts are displayed in the overlay of the image.

To achieve this all we had to do was add a "trip wire counter" to the iCatcher feed, and then add the counter statistics to the text overlays. The system will also save all count information as a CSV spreadsheet file and reset according to a user defined schedule.

Note: This is a demonstration system and the camera and location is less than ideal, even so the system has a high accuracy which would be improved if the camera was mounted outside and higher up.