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iCatcher Help

Learn how to set up and use iCatcher's features to their full potential.

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Configuring overlays

The Overlays tab allows you to stamp each frame with information such as the date and time and to mark where the motion is occurring

Overlay Text

Enabling the Enable text overlay option will allow you to enter text that will be stamped on each frame from the camera. This text can contain Macros which include dynamic information such as the feed name. Please see the Macros help for more information.

The Text position box allows you to specify where on the image the text is placed. You can also select the colour of the text, and the background colour.

Motion highlighting

Motion Highlighting allows you to select the style of cross hair used to identify motion in the frame and the colour.

You can also choose to highlight those parts of the images that have moved, and what colour to highlight them with.

When you are using ICE motion detection, you also have the option to show the clump information on the image and to outline each clump using one of several methods:

  • Dot to Dot draws the outline by using the horizontal extents of the clump. The outline is started from the rightmost point of the topmost pixel, and its drawn down the right-hand side joining up the rightmost pixels on each line. A similar process is then used to draw the left hand side, resulting in an outline of the moved pixels within the clump.
  • Polar draws the outline by joining the extents of points radiating from the centre of the clump. The outline begins at the top of the clump, and follows clockwise around the clump joining the outermost points from the centre. This also provides an outline of the moved pixels.
  • Rectangle draws a simple rectangular outline, with the four corners being derived from the highest and lowest coordinates of the moved pixels. This outline is guaranteed to contain all moved pixels.
  • Quadrilateral draws a simple quadrilateral outline from the highest and lowest points along each of the four edges of the rectangle that would be drawn using the method above. This can result in very irregular quadrilateral shapes which are not guaranteed to contain all the moved pixels.
  • Ellipse draws a simple ellipse around the clump. The horizontal radius will be the largest horizontal offset from the centre of the clump, and likewise the vertical radius will be the largest vertical offset. This method provides the easiest highlighting to work with.

Please note that if you are using a JPEG based image source and "Save overlay information on the image" in the Recording settings is disabled, then the overlays are not guaranteed to be saved on the final footage.