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iCatcher Help

Learn how to set up and use iCatcher's features to their full potential.

read more... File download area

Download all the iCatcher software products, including legacy versions.

read more... Wildlife picture gallery

i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

read more... Capture equipment

Find out about suitable equipment for use with iCatcher, from cameras to lighting, and more.



The support section contains, among other things, contact details if you need further help.

You will also find the Setup wizard and the System Optimiser (which can be accessed from the main feeds panel on the Console bar) which allow you to easily adjust the way your Console system operates.

The Folder playback allows you to browse and playback a directory of images that have been removed from Console's normal history folders. This is useful if you have archived images off to another folder, but still need the timeline facility.