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Configuring Joystick control

iCatcher allows you to control PTZ camera movement and other system operations, such as I/O devices, using any joystick or game controller supported by Microsoft Windows™.

The X and Y axis allow you to control the position of the current camera. The further you move the joystick, the faster/further the camera will move. If your controller has a Z axis, or throttle, this can be used to zoom.

iCatcher also has full support for the controller buttons and each can be configured for any of the following actions:

  • Select a feed - Changes the feed that will be controlled by the joystick.
  • Show the current feed - Brings the current feed to the top so it can be seen easily.
  • Show playback for the current feed - Opens the playback window. All control from here will need to be done from the keyboard or mouse.
  • Capture one frame on the current feed - This is the same as the feed snapshot button. The current frame will be saved into iCatcher's recorded footage and available through playback.
  • Zoom in/out - For controllers that don't have a Z axis, this allows you to zoom the camera in or out. It will zoom one step per button press.
  • Goto the current camera's home position - Moves the camera to its preconfigured home position.
  • Goto a specific PTZ preset position - Moves the camera to a preconfigured position and zoom level (if supported).
  • Perform a specific PTZ command - Performs the built in PTZ commands for Pelco and similar cameras (if supported).
  • Toggle I/O device state - Performs the default action for I/O device.
  • Load layout - Loads a saved window layout.
  • Fine movement control - When this button is held down, the PTZ movement will half its movement speed.
  • Coarse movement control - When this button is held down, the PTZ movement will double its movement speed.

To access these settings click Settings under System Configuration in the main Console window and then select the Joystick tab.