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Configuring motion detection

Selecting 'Settings' from the Feed menu will display the Settings configuration page. The Detection tab allows you to tune the motion detection algorithm

For most usage, the default settings will be suitable.

  • Image Quality controls the quality at which the JPEG is saved when motion is detected.
  • Update Rate is the number of milliseconds between each frame captured from the camera. Decreasing this figure will give you a higher frame rate but will result in a higher CPU load. You can also use the frame rate slider to choose a speed.
  • Sensitivity controls how much change there needs to be in an image before it is considered as motion
  • Light Conditions will allow iCatcher Console to ignore sudden changes in lighting such as clouds breaking on overcast days.
  • Send Alert on X events in Y seconds allows you to control how many motions there needs to be within a certain time period for iCatcher Console to consider the motion as important enough to send an alert. This allows you to ignore spurious, one off motions and only raise an alert when there is continuous, sustained motion.
  • Use in-camera motion detection will disable the analytic stream and internal motion detection and use the motion data returned from the camera where it's supported. See the Using in-camera motion detection page for more details.
  • Load Balance will dynamically adjust the Update Rate on the camera to give more frames per second when motion is detected, and lower frames per second when there is no motion.

The trigger level is used by iCatcher to automatically tune itself to changing light and ambient movement conditions. In areas with sudden bursts of high movement you may wish to limit this trigger level to a maximum so that iCatcher Console still responds to motion in quiet periods after tuning itself for busy periods.