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iCatcher Help

Learn how to set up and use iCatcher's features to their full potential.

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Adding a Camera

The first thing you'll want to do when configuring iCatcher Console is to add some cameras. iCatcher Console will guide you through this process using the 'Camera' Wizard.

Connecting a camera

Either right click on the "local console" in the tree view or click the "Cameras" button, then select "New Camera". Firstly, enter a name for the camera, such a 'Reception', then select the type of camera you are adding.

A network camera is a camera that is connected to your LAN via TCP/IP. These are also known as IP Cameras.

An auto discoverable camera is a network connected cameras that can be automatically queried and configured by iCatcher Console for video streaming.

A local camera is classed as a camera that is connected directly to you PC. These will generally be traditional CCTV cameras that are connected to a video capture board in your PC, or a USB webcam.

A batch mode camera is normally a network camera that is not always available, but uploads images to Console when there is activity.