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i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

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Embedded web server

i-Catcher includes an embedded HTTP server that will allow you to access the images and video stream directly from i-Catcher. You can configure the HTTP Server settings via the main settings dialog box.

Web view

The default page of the HTTP Server is used as the main interface to i-Catcher from the web. From here you can select Live Feeds, Playback, and Statistics.

The Live Feeds page shows a live video stream from the camera, and if it is capable of PTZ, allows you to control the camera.

Playback allows you to review recorded images and provides an additional set of controls for controlling the image stream. The top bar shows a timeline of motion over the 24 hour period (Clicking on this will jump directly to the time under the mouse cursor). The seven controls below it are in order: Go to first image, go back one image, play backwards, stop, play forwards, go forward one image, go to last image. The other controls allow you to go to a specific time and date and change the speed and quality.

Statistics shows some information regarding the web usage of i-Catcher.

Using the video

i-Catcher allows you to access the video through the web server using a number of methods:

  • Live view page: /index.htm
    This will give you a live page with option to change the feed as well as the size and quality. It also has links to the other features of i-Catcher.
  • Embeddable page: /simple.htm
    This page is designed to be embedded in another page using an iframe. It will show a live video stretched to fill the entire window.
    You can use HTML like this to embed the live view in your own HTML page:
    <iframe name="live" src="" width="320" height="240" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

You can also access the video programmatically using:

  • Single JPEG image: /image.jpg
    A single image with the current image from the camera
  • Motion JPEG stream: /video.mjpg
    A motion JPEG video stream the current images from the camera