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The playback feature allows you to view images saved either as a continuous video stream or image by image. Upon loading the playback loads a list of all the images recorded for the selected day, and the playback view displays the current image.


There is a toolbar across the top of this window. Each of these buttons has tool text to help you identify it. The function of these buttons is detailed below.

  • Display controls: The controls button causes the playback window to grow in height to accommodate the display of additional information and playback controls. The controls and information that are displayed in this additional space are different depending in which mode the playback window is operating in.
  • Film Strip: Next to this is the film strip icon. Pressing this button causes the window to expand to show the film strip. This allows you to see thumbnails of the images either side of the currently displayed image.
  • Magnifying glasses: There are three magnifying glass icons on the top left of the viewer window, one marked with a + that zooms in, one marked with a - that zooms out. The central magnifying glass icon restores the image to its natural size.
  • Copy image: Clicking this button will copy the selected image and its filename to the clipboard, you can then open a graphics application and paste the image into it.
  • Print image: This will print the current image at the current zoom level with some information about the still to the default printer.
  • Video generation: The Video generation option allows you to record a selected time period into a single AVI file for archiving or viewing elsewhere.
  • Information: This will show a window that displays the timestamp and signature of the current image.


  • Normal mode: In normal playback mode a timeline is displayed showing the captured events over a 24 hour period. In addition the sequence controls allow you to go back and forth between images and play, and a playback speed control and date selection control are displayed. To select a different days images just drop down the date box and select the required date. If any images are stored for that date they will be displayed and the time line will be updated to match.
  • Loop play mode: In loop play mode, the playback window continually loops through the last X images, then in addition to the speed control a box is displayed where you can set the number of images to loop.