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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

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The masks feature allows you to make i-Catcher ignore motion that occurs in specific areas in the camera's field of view. This feature is very useful if you have an area that is likely to generate a lot of false triggers, such as a window looking out on to a road, or a swaying tree. The masks window is accessible by pressing the overlapping squares button on the motion window, which will now display an image with all the masks overlayed.

For each mask, you can drag it to the required position, and set the style to invisible, a transparent mesh or a solid block of colour. If you want invisible masks but to still be able to see where they are, you can add a border around all the masks at a set width and colour.

Intelligent masks with with the ICE motion detection to ignore any new motion in an area, but still allow tracking of objects passing through the area.

Please note that you may still get the crosshairs appearing in a masked area if there is motion occuring around it.