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Find out about suitable equipment for use with iCatcher, from cameras to lighting, and more.

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We have an online shop where you can buy video and capture hardware, as well as iCatcher bundles at discounted price.

Cameras - Systems - Accessories - The i-Catcher CCTV Shop offering greated prices and technical support


for capture hardware

iCatcher is designed to work with local PCI and USB devices as well as the latest in IP cameras and video servers. We have supplied the Euresys Picolo and ViewCast Osprey range of capture cards from our CCTV shop, for which driver details are provided below.

ViewCast Osprey range

ViewCast provides the most up to date drivers via its website at For most cases these drivers should be used to ensure stability and reliability. You will also need the latest WDM drivers to use multiple inputs in conjunction with the Video Input Switching Service component of iCatcher Console 3.1 and later.

Euresys Picolo range including Junior 4, Picolo Pro 2 and Picolo Alert cards

In almost all cases the latest MultiCam driver from Euresys should be used with these cards and the iCatcher software. The older "MultiCam for Picolo" driver is provided if any customers are experiencing any compatibility issues with the MultiCam driver.

MultiCam 6.7

Use this driver for almost all installations.

MultiCam for Picolo 3.8.3

Use this driver only if there are problems with the MultiCam driver above.

Note the MutliCam for Picolo 3.8.3 driver is not compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and does not support the Junior 4 or Alert cards.