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i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

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iCatcher Console logs certain events to a daily log file so that any problems can be identified. This includes loss of contact with cameras, new web view sessions (if enabled), system status, and archiving status among other things.

The log can be accessed by right clicking "Local Console" in the feed tree on the Console bar and selecting "Show logging". Options are available to select the log date, and to filter on a particular feed, certain system events, or all messages.

The log shows the time of the event, the feed it relates to (if applicable) and the message itself. Messages are colour-coded to indicate their significance.

  • Red messages - Critical problems such as loss of camera contact.
  • Orange messages - Less critical problems such as a temporary loss of camera.
  • Green messages - Successful recovery from an earlier problem, or successful completion.
  • Blue messages - Related to the web view system.
  • Purple messages - Authentication and login events.
  • Black messages - Informational and indicate minor events.

When performing an auto arrange, the log window will be moved to the bottom of the screen and will reduce the available area in which to auto-arrange feeds.