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Camera, I/O system and iDomain Events

iCatcher Console and iDomain allows you to receive and view events and notifications that occur on any connected cameras, iDomain Consoles or I/O systems.

The main interface to this is the Events window can be accessed from the feed tree on the main Console bar.

This window contains a list of received events on the left with a date filter at the top, giving their time, an event description and the Console and camera/device that sent the event.

Some events will have a coloured background signifying the priority while events with extra notes appear with a green background. Cleared events will appear greyed out.

Clicking any of the events will show the live video or a short section of recorded video from the camera (This can be changed by holding down the CTRL key and in the event list settings). For I/O devices, the video from the first camera related to that device will be shown.

Above the video on the right hand side, you will see a toolbar containing a number of buttons:

  • Show/Hide the event list allows you to control whether you see the left event list.
  • Show event list settings allows you to change how the event window operates.
  • The 3 magnifier buttons change the window size in the same way as the feed windows.
  • The full screen option will remove the event list, toolbar and maximise the window to fill the screen. Alt+Enter is a shortcut for this command.
  • Copy will put the current image into the clipboard for pasting into another application.
  • The gallery button will open up the gallery with the current image allowing it to be saved for later.
  • The camera and clapperboard buttons will show the live video and playback for the selected event's source.
  • The note icon allows you to add notes or clear the event. Once a note has been added, the event will appear with a green background.
  • The delete button will clear all open events.
  • when showing the recorded video, the Replay button will restart the sequence.
  • The pin button allows you to keep the event window open if it was opened automatically.

The event list window will also be included in the auto arrange allowing it to fit in with the other windows.

Event actions

iCatcher Console has the ability to perform actions when receiving specific events from a remote Console or I/O system. These can be configured in the settings of the remote console, the I/O system, or for all sources, in the iDomain settings.

Each action allows you to specify a simple pattern to match and optionally, limit it to a single source console or I/O system.

The pattern accepts for following wild cards:

  • * matches any number of characters
  • ? matches any single characters
  • # matches a single numeric digit

See MSDN for more details on the supported patterns.