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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

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Download all the i-Catcher software products, including legacy versions.

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i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

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Find out about suitable equipment for use with i-Catcher, from cameras to lighting, and more.

Cameras - Systems - Accessories - The i-Catcher CCTV Shop offering greated prices and technical support

Dealing with false alarms

When setting up your i-Catcher installation, attention must be paid to minimising the risk of false alarms. If you have areas of spurious movement, such as trees swaying in the breeze, then use the Masks feature to stop i-Catcher detecting motion in these areas.

Some cameras generate a very noisy image in low light levels. If you have such a camera you can eliminate this effect by setting a minimum trigger level in the advanced settings. As a rule, set this to a third of the trigger level that the system chooses for normal daylight, this is displayed as the current trigger level (i-Catcher continually adjusts this figure when running).