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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

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Download all the i-Catcher software products, including legacy versions.

read more... Wildlife picture gallery

i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

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Find out about suitable equipment for use with i-Catcher, from cameras to lighting, and more.

Cameras - Systems - Accessories - The i-Catcher CCTV Shop offering greated prices and technical support


i-Catcher is a Windows™ based application that allows PCs to capture video images. i-Catcher can function as a webcam, time-lapse recorder, motion detection/surveillance system or as a client application for the i-Catcher Console multi-camera system. The software functions with reduced functionality as freeware, but can be licensed either for a 21 day trial (free of charge) or full product direct from our web site at